Monday, December 30, 2019

My Thoughts On My Life - 845 Words

Ok so I needed a little help to focus my thoughts so I used google and found a blog that was very helpful. The writer Kat Lee said, one of my greatest fears in life is that I will be the same person at 76 that I am at 36; that I will have the same hangups as an older woman that I had as a younger woman. I think that is my same fear. When I moved to Oklahoma I wanted to reinvent myself, I didn t want to be the same girl with the same hangups both in life and spiritually. I thought new place fresh start. As you already know it takes a lot for me to reach out and put myself on full display. I have a difficulty opening up and putting my feelings/thoughts into words. From the short while I ve known you I feel like you are a person I can break down those walls and be truly honest without the fear of judgement. I have so many questions to ask you about your life. You are not much older than me but you have lived life. You married a wonderful man at a young age and you have a sweet little boy. You are on fire for the Lord and it shows through your actions. So maybe you can help me clear some of my obstacles that are in my life by learning from you who might have already cleared or gone through those obstacle in your life. I can be a very critical toward myself and get overwhelmed by the things I need to change or improve on and end up doing nothing to change. I want to be the best person I can be. I go to my mom but she gives those generic mom answers. I want an outsideShow MoreRelatedMy Thoughts On My Life1499 Words   |  6 Pageshow I have been feeling deep down all day. I know it in the deepest part of my mind, with every neuron in my brain screaming this: I am in love with you so deeply and I think I would go mad with grief if you were ever not a part of my life anymore. When I think about the coy smile you get on your face when you first step off the bus or out of your car to greet me, my heart fills with a warm feeling that spreads throughout my torso, filling me with hope for us. When I think about you freak- out laughingRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life1277 Words   |  6 Pagesrequired my help, next on the list was Phyllis. My stomach instantly lurched at the memory of my last visitation. M y hands gripped tighter onto the steering wheel, my nails digging into the soft leather leaving an impression that would last. As I pressed my foot down on the accelerator my mind whirred as I struggled to wrestle with the emotions that where brimming within me and threatening to overflow. Pictures of the scene flew before my eyes, distracting me and occupying my every thought. The dreadRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life1272 Words   |  6 PagesI closed my eyes and pondered my next move. Was I in a dream or what? After two hours, my eyes shot open. I woke up realizing that I fell asleep. I was breathing short, heavy breaths. I looked around the room with wide eyes. I might have fell asleep while thinking about the problem I had with my mom a while ago. I couldn t believe of what was happening between me and my mom. Tears slid right down my cheeks from my warm, butterscotch eyes, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, aRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life1496 Words   |  6 PagesMy lungs burn as they fill with water, as I m trying to get my head above surface. I struggle and push my legs harder and harder but no matter how hard I push I can t stop sinking. I notice bindings on my feet and desperately try clawing at the rope on my feet. I m running out of oxygen, and I have to take a breath. I take a big gulp of water and my lungs fill, black spots clouded my vision as I feebly struggle to untie the rope, I take one more breath and could feel I m fading BRINGGGGG!!Read MoreMy Thoughts On My Life955 Words   |  4 PagesAs a working mother, after leaving the home, I keep on thinking about my baby. Sometime I scare if something wrong goes to him. It is very difficult to concentrate my mind. I wish I will play with him whole day, can spend my time taking care him all the possible ways that I can make him a fun. While returning back to home my concern again start the same way, playing with him and make him happy as much as I can. But when I reach home, I hug him, kiss him and stay with him for a while and forgetRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life885 Words   |  4 PagesMy Mom-Mom used to tell us that if you want to make God laugh, you should tell Him your plans. I did not fully understand that when she said it but I absolutely do now. The last few weeks have been tumultuous for me to say the least. In the midst of my going through I have also experienced God in ways I don t think I could ever fully describe. What I am learning is that even in the midst of going through it s not hard to see God s hand at work in your life. I am also learning that evenRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life1447 Words   |  6 Pageswall in my house. The poem teaches principles such as: share everything, play fair, don’t hit people, put items back where you found them, clean up your mess. From the age of two these principles became object lessons and repeated phrases each and every day. Without realizing it, I had memorized this poem by the age of six, and not by choice. Principles impacting my life are those learned while golfing; my poem should be â€Å"All I need to know I learned in golf.† The summer between my eighth andRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life1812 Words   |  8 Pagesthe covers halfway covering me, with my hand on my mouth, I stared at nothing in particular thinking about what just happened. Ritsu was taking a shower. I blushed as a vivid image of him naked flashed in my thoughts. His sweet and desperate kiss carved its way in my memories. As he gently put his lips against mine, I could faintly taste and smell the cigarette he was smoking a few minutes ago, but it didn t disgust me. In a daze, my right index finger traced my lips. What did this mean? Was I inRead MoreMy Thoughts On My Life876 Words   |  4 Pagesthis psychology class has opened my eyes to the endless psychological theories many great minds have introduced to the world. More interestingly, what I have learned from this class has affected me in my daily life as I find myself thinking about how my mind works and develops more often than before. Many experiences of my past can now be seen through a different light with the understanding of our remarkable cognitive abilities. My ability to stay committed to my goals while having resilience toRead MoreI Have Never Thought About My Life Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesnever thought about my worldviews until now. Growing up in a small town, I had not experienced or been exposed to the â€Å"outside world†. I have always been kept in this bubble surrounded by the same culture, people, and ideas. However, going to college, meeting different students and professors have made me question myself and the world I live in. I became aware of issues found around the world and I wanted to know why these issues were present. After studying specific experiences in my life and issues

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